Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Came home at 2, awake until 5, and this is what I think about at 4AM apparently

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Halloween is in the air

Over sized kid like art is usually pretty easy to do bit also incredibly fun just because how much you can fit into one scene. I'm actually working really hard on a Galactus/Dr.Doom piece but that one will only be shown one it has progressed to a point where I'm happy with it. Still not sure if views equates to people actually reading these post or not. shout out in the comments if you're there.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A world of possibility

Not from China but these beauties also came recently in the mail. (still in my car) :)

Around the world

All the way from Beijing! I can't wait to get started on these. So exciting!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Character s

The female face is one I want to use in a story I'm trying to make based on part of a dream I had this past week.


Trying to practice colors, evidently I need it.

Throughout the last year

A large number of these were done thought out the past year, for some reason the post prior to this one did not publish :/

Friday, October 11, 2013

Years ago, first ever

Many years ago I attempted my first ever sketch cover. It was in bad shape and I had plenty in that shape so I figured it wouldn't hurt to practice a little. I won't show the full cover but here is a zoom in of one of the faces. I'll just say it was spider man themed, didn't turn out like I wanted and since then I don't practice on covers anymore.however that's my old mentality, now I feel as though I could execute a better cover and if not at least I tried

More phone processes

This was something that started out nice and took a wrong turn somewhere along the way. Mostly due to impatience

The older days.

I thought about where I've been and where I want to be and though there's a lot of stuff I didn't like because I did not feel as though my skill was there, there are a few that I do look back on and still enjoy. I'm going to continue drawing as long as I can. Can't wait to get my hands on those classi Faber castell's. Hopefully they get here soon

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Am everlasting wip

Seems that I just can't start something new until this first page is done. I love the look of a hardbound sketchbook but practicality is a miss when trying to use the next page.be that as it may, with every erase or slight tweak I feel I get a better understanding of using color pencils. I think I need to make a trip to the art supply store and buy some more flesh oriented colors. Hopefully next week

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Well didn't make it far tonight, taken six extra strength Bayer and still have a migraine. Medicine is quite the paradox, two of this Bayer will almost instantly ease my back pain but six do nothing hours later for my migraine. The thing I'm not liking about color pencils is how incredibly hard it is to erase. You make notice a couple of black smudges randomly well that is due to me lifting ink from the page onto my palm and back to the page; unknowingly. Made me want to quit, but I believe perseverance posts off typically, I'm hoping so at least

Wip 2

Well its still not getting better but my experience with color pencils does not extend much further than three weeks, I have to see this to the end.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Came home to my me sketch book chewed on. Apparently she was not a fan of what she saw on the first page. Sometimes I get really upset when something isn't coming out like I want it to, but then I just look back a little and realize that I've gotten better. Never lose sight of that, practice does improve your overall skill. Keep practicing, just keep practicing

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Killing joke

Reading some Alan Moore classics, never really liked his writing much but I'm starting to appreciate it. Did a quick sketch based on Bolland sketch. I used to never do more than one drawing on a page, finished or not but this a sketch book and I want to use it to its full purpose


Skipped lips and trying a nose. Five minutes and five pencils. Anyone reading this?

Eye practice

12 pencils in this small eye, man! I will get to that level though. Lips next

Break at work

Had 15 minutes for a break this morning and a sweet lady at work gave me a set of oil pastels do I put them to work.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


When I deleted my Facebook I downloaded my data before going through with the decline in social activity. Contained within this data is everything you've ever done, said, and or posted; 10 MB's of data. I shudder to think what the size of some other people's profiles may contain/ Gigabytes? Terabytes? PETABYTESS?  Neither here nor there but now my mind is stuck on the past. Reading messages that were shared, feelings, hopes, dismantles, depression, and the list goes on. Hopefully I can tap into some of this new found unearthed source of inspiration. There's a lot I don't miss, but to say I don't miss anything at all would be foolish. My wonders wander into a premise of uncharted territory, I see faces, I see a face. Technicolor distribution of a mental/emotional capacity.

New sketch book, first page RUINED

Attempted to try out color pencils techniques but it was ruined :(  covering with heavy blacks and going over with correction pens and ball point. Mistakes will be made, use them to your advantage.learn from then

It turns away; Control

I don't understand much as it turns out, but I am hopeful. Things change; constant. Feelings,smiles,thoughts...people. The course is unclear but I will continue to practice. 
Welcome to my world. Start from scratch with me, explore with me, build something great with me, but most of all, just EXPERIENCE this with me.