Saturday, October 5, 2013


When I deleted my Facebook I downloaded my data before going through with the decline in social activity. Contained within this data is everything you've ever done, said, and or posted; 10 MB's of data. I shudder to think what the size of some other people's profiles may contain/ Gigabytes? Terabytes? PETABYTESS?  Neither here nor there but now my mind is stuck on the past. Reading messages that were shared, feelings, hopes, dismantles, depression, and the list goes on. Hopefully I can tap into some of this new found unearthed source of inspiration. There's a lot I don't miss, but to say I don't miss anything at all would be foolish. My wonders wander into a premise of uncharted territory, I see faces, I see a face. Technicolor distribution of a mental/emotional capacity.

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